UST Triplesensor® - The electronic nose
- Patented active MOX gas sensor module for the high selective and high sensitive detection of specific gases, gas mixtures, selected VOC markers (VOC... Volatile Organic Compound) etc.
- Scalable technological platform for the efficient realization of customized gas sensor systems from small up to large production runs
- Gas sensor element with 3 different gas-sensitive MOX-layers for reducible, easily oxidizable and heavily oxidizable gases in a specific 4-Pin-case (TO39, SMD etc.)
- Gas sensor chip - realized in hybrid technology (Al2O3-carrier-substrate with a micro-structured platinum thin-film layer as well as insulating, locking and gas sensitive layers)
- Electronic-module for sensor element control (heater temperature etc.), pre-processing of the sensor signals, storage of the calibration data and communication
- USB-interface for external sensor control, data classification and analysis (PCA... Principal Component Analysis etc.) as well as power supply
Customized solutions on request.
Patents: DE102004060101 B4 / DE102006033528 B3 / EP1602924 B1
UST Triplesensor® is a registrated trademark of UST Umweltsensortechnik GmbH, Dieselstr. 2 und 4, 99331 Geratal OT Geschwenda, Germany.
- Industrial electronics
- Building automation
- Automotive electronics
- Energy and environmental engineering
- Safety engineering
- Medical engineering
- ...
Sample applications e.g.
- Mobile / stationary gas leak detection e.g. of natural gas (CH4), ammonia (NH3), nitrogen oxides (NOX), refrigerants (R1234yf, R134a etc.)
- Ventilation flap control of cars
- Air quality measurement / detection in buildings, apartments, vehicle interiors etc.
- Detection of NO2/NOX concentrations at urban road traffic junctions
- Early detection of smoldering fires (detection of relevant combustion gases, typical VOCs etc.)
- ...
UST Triplesensor® Evaluation Kit USB
- USB-Stick with external UST Triplesensor® gas sensor element in a 4-Pin-TO39-Case (optional with a 4-Pin-Socket for replaceable UST Triplesensor® gas sensor element)
- Integrated µC-based electronic module for signal-pre-processing, sensor control and data communication
- USB 2.0-compatible
- PC-Software tool (on CD-ROM) for visualization of the sensor signals and data recording (CSV file)
We offer individual consultation and production to realize solutions for your specific measuring task(s).